After the birth:

Womb and vaginal prolapse

The metroptosis is frequently accompanied by a reduction in the bladder and the surrounding tissue. The woman can feel the ptosis herself by feeling for the os uteri and the cervix with the finger in the vagina. The os uteri lies near at the sheath opening and the uterus rises deeply into the vaginal fornix in, it is a ptosis.

The anterior sheath wall with the bladder curves in front of, one talks about an anterior vaginal prolapse; if one sees a projecting curve of the back septum with the intestine, it is a back vaginal prolapse.

The women concerned complain about feeling of pressure and an intense ache to below. Coming off urine frequently, also uncheckedly is characteristic. Difficulties also can insist to empty the rectum.

The reason for it lies in it that the sub-abdominal organs sink since the connective tissue and the sinews regarded the organs at their place as which have give way. Also under the decreasing tension of the muscles of the pelvic floor the organs go on to below. As in the case of the load incontinence the risk of falling ill increases with an increasing number of births by the hormone reduction in the climacterics, strong overweight and lacking muscle training of the pelvic floor. Over-load of the pelvic floor also lasting for years due to a heavy physical work is a risk factor.

On the whole any shape can strengthen the load-bearing tissue of, that the troubles improve or disappear. The training can be supported by vaginal suppositories or tablets containing estrogen.

Only if these measures don't bring any desired success, an operation can be thought about. The connective tissue is tightened between bladder and vagina ("anterior plastic") or between intestine and sheath ("back plastic") at a vaginal prolapse. The uterus juts out of the sheath -- perhaps the treating physician will suggest a resection of the womb at a clear metroptosis or at a uterovaginal prolapse. Again and again, the possibility that the ptosis can appear once more exists since the metroptosis is a result of a connective tissue weakness and not its cause. Therefore overweight patients should if possible already lose weight and keep their weight in front of the operation. Regular pelvic floor exercises carried out and large physical strains should be avoided.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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