After the birth:

Problems when calming

1. Milk bullet hole

Between the third and fifth day after the birth it usually comes to the milk bullet hole. The mammas swell up, are hard and full. You can prepare pains at every touch. The milk formation comes into gait correctly. The mother should reduce her amount of drinking now, do without milk formation tea and massage the mamma before laying out the child so that the milk can flow better. Possible nodular hardenings can be from massaged so. Cold compresses with curd cheese after calming bring relief. The milk bullet hole goes less intensely with children breastfed as required.

2. Sore nipples

Rhagades (would) catch on and sore nipples appear again and again at the silent time. You can be very painful primarily if the child draws in. First the silent technique has always to be checked. The baby shouldn't grasp part of the areola only in front at the nipple nipples but also one. The silent lie should be abdomen to abdomen. If you remove the child of the mamma and it still sucks, then you slide a finger into the corner of mouth. The negative pressure when calming is interrupted so and the baby lets the nipple off. Don't simply pull it away so. Your midwife can recommend you soothing tinctures and ointments for the nipples.

Further measures are very helpful or prevent a soreness:
  • Protect your nipples from a heat and wetness jam and from extreme cold. Pay attention to this to dry silent inlays which you often change. Silent deposits made of silk are best appropriate.
  • Have the mother's milk and the saliva of the child dried on the nipple.
  • Before calming you already paint a little milk as of, the galactorrhea already starts with that.
  • Lay out her child once in a while so that it isn't ravenous.
  • Lay out the child on the healthy side first. It then must draw in no longer so strongly and is no longer so hungry.
  • Whenever it works, you let air and sun to your nipples.
  • Take silent caps up to the abating of the troubles.
3. Milk jam

At a milk jam the mother's milk cannot drain away from the milk ducts. The mamma is pressure-sensitive and tense with one or more solid place/N at which the milk jam is. The skin at the mamma is partly red or warm. In this case little alleviation brings silences since the milk cannot drain away. The milk jam can arise from a not complete evacuation of the mamma, another cause also can be a false technique. The milk jam should be fought as quickly as possible because from it a mamma inflammation can develop.

The following measures should be taken up:
  • The mother should allow itself as much rest as possible.
  • The mamma should be warmed before calming. The vessels are opened through this and the milk can flow more lightly. A hot shower or wet warm compresses help at it.
  • After calming the nodular hurting place should always be massaged in the direction of the nipple. The dammed milk is crossed out so.
  • One, nose spray that oxytocin contains suggests to the milk for flowing also better. A gynecologist can prescribe it or the midwife gets it.
  • The hurting place can be cooled, if it is pleasant. Cold compresses or also a curd cheese pack can be recommended.
  • If the troubles don't abate after one to two days, then a midwife or the treating physician must certainly be gone to to exclude a mamma inflammation.
4. Mamma inflammation (Mastitis)

A mamma inflammation is an infectious disease. It comes to an inflammation of the gland body of the mamma. The mamma inflammation which frequently appears within the first days after the delivery or in the further childbed is called puerperal mastitis.

The pathogenes of the infection are germs, mostly staphylococci. You are transferred by the mouth of the breastfed baby, for example. This prolonged gestation alone, however, doesn't suffice to cause a mastitis. A milk jam favors the spreading of the shoots about the milk ducts. Put under stress a factor is just the mamma inflammation calming promotes. The milk ducts don't contract sufficiently and it comes more lightly to a milk jam. At a mastitis the mammas feel hot, are swollen, reddened perhaps and very touch-sensitive. The mother often complains about headaches and influenza similar symptoms (fever and chill). The lymph nodes also can have swollen in the armpits.

As in the case of a milk jam they should mind their health and lie down if possible, the galactorrhea should be maintained. To this you can remove silences or the milk with a pump. At leaving of a purulent secretion the mammary gland you should your child natural not silences.

Perhaps the treating physician will order antibiotics which are effective against staphylococci (cephalosporine, certain penicillins). The given antibiotics can reach the mother's milk and lead to diarrheas at the infant. A stopping silences, however, isn't necessary inevitably. Furthermore prolactin antagonists which rapidly lead to a reduction of the milk jam can be used. There is the danger at these medicines that calming after this is no longer possible. These preparations also are used for stopping silences namely.

A dreaded complication of a mastitis is the formation of abscesses which arise if you treated too late or not sufficiently. You must be removed operatively.

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