After the birth:

Apgar test

Sucks, if the newborn child is detached from the navel, remove the obstetricians with one comes off the nose, the oral cavity and the pharynx room mucus and fetus water. It also is found out when siphoning whether the eating tube is closed generally and to the stomach to. A closure of the anus or the rectum is excluded by rectal fever fairs. After this short examination the so-called Apgar test is carried out after the birth five to ten minutes. It is named after the woman doctor Virginia Apgar who has developed it in 1953. The health status of the newborn child is judged with five features. The German first letters of the examination criterions yield the word "APGAR".

For the features 0 points each features are missing (), 1 point (features not minted) or 2 points is (features well available) allocated. The individual results are written down on an examination protocol. You judge 5 and 10 minutes after the birth after prominence times of 1. Is optimal are still a score from 9 to 10th 7 to 8 point normally. If the values lie under this, the physician and the midwife will take up corresponding measures. The Apgar values are held tight both in the mother passport and in the yellow child examination exercise book.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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