After the birth:

End the calm

A mother wants or may not calm after the birth she will get medicines which suppress the milk formation from the start. In addition, the recommendation is given to her, most possible to drink little. At a later time is also very rapidly possible with the help of medicines end the calm? The used preparations are prolactin antagonists. Side effects of these drugs can possibilities be circulation troubles, nausea, vomiting and headaches, for example.

With medicines there are also natural methods besides the end the calm.

The silent meals of the child are after and after replaced by the flask or firm nutrition. According to the principle of supply and demand the amount of milk goes down gradually from himself. You should calculate for this shape the end the calm with a duration of two to three weeks.

However, it can be carried out with natural means also within two to three days. The following has to be taken into account:
  • Wear a tight, well-fitting bra.
  • Reduce your amount of drinking to half a liter per day.
  • Drink sage tea. It results in the mammary glands contracting.
  • The mammas are very hard and are too tight, you get rid a little of milk so that a milk jam is prevented. However, don't lay out the baby.
  • Cool the mammas with cold packs or establish refrigerant gel cushions. Lemons, cypresses or sageoil as cold compresses or in a curd cheese onlay are helpful.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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