After the birth:


First ovulation

It cannot be predicted exactly when the first ovulation takes place after the birth. This is different individually and also depends on calming. The first menstruation often appears after the birth about 4 to 6 weeks with women who don't calm. It lasts for 2 to 3 months at mothers which partly feed too much and calm restrictedly. The first rule lets about 6 to 18 months on themselves wait again you calm if full. Before one ovulation goes in front of almost every menstruation bleeding for about 14 days! If so you didn't have any menstruation bleeding after the birth yet, you can again go fertile and get pregnant.

Contraceptive silence?

The sucking charm of the child leads prolactin in the brain (hypothalamus) for the secretion of the milk formation hormone. The higher its concentration is in the blood, the more soonly the ovulation and the bleeding are suppressed. Prolaktin ist ein natürliches Verhütungsmittel. Silent pauses, however, lead to the ovulation. The prolactin mirror will more than not calmed behind each other for four hours, can fall in the blood on the whole so that it can come to the ovulation. So the natural prophylaxis mechanism doesn't work one hundred per cent! A mother calming fully also must therefore think of prophylaxis.


Ideal contraceptives at the silent time are non-hormonal barrier methods. One understands for example condoms or a diaphragm by it. Chemical contraceptives (spermium killing ointment, gel, foam or suppository) can supplementarily to it be used. If you have sexual intercourse after the birth already three to four weeks and still there is lochia, condoms are recommended. If you have used a pessary or diaphragm in front of the birth, then you must have a new one adapted to yourself. Because the sheath and the os uteri have changed by the pregnancy and the birth. However, the lochia must have dried up completely to this. Natural prophylaxis methods, such as the temperature mucus method, aren't reliable in the childbed and in the silent time. It should be waited the silent time and regular cycles take place again for their application. Hormonal contraceptives, like the pill, aren't recommendable for calming mothers because the contained estrogens impede the galactorrhea. An exception represents the minipill because it contains only gestagens. It must be taken very exactly, though. Further gestagen preparations, like the three months syringe, the hormone intrauterine device or mountable gestagen donors, are also appropriate. Is only partly calmed and the menses appears regularly again, a micro pill is also possible with a low estrogen content. You discuss the prophylaxis method best suitable for you with your attending gynecologist best. A good opportunity of it is the degree examination you should be aware after the birth of 6 to 8 weeks.

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