After the birth:

Hormonal rearrangement

The placenta as a hormone formation place is no longer available after the birth. It comes primarily the estrogens (female sex hormones), the pregnancy hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin) and the human placenta lactogens (HPL) to a steep concentration drop. This hormone is produced by the placenta and stimulates the milk production.

The hormonal rearrangement results in the pregnancy conditional edemas being from washed. Within the first days after the birth the urgency is therefore tense.

With starting silent activity the prolactin production increases. This hormone is formed in the pituitary gland. It supports the milk formation like the HPL. The hormones estrogen and progesterone which were formed during the pregnancy also in the placenta counteract the milk formation. If the placenta was born after the birth, then the hindering of the milk production is missing, the milk can be formed.

Sucking the infant at the mamma causes the secretion of another hormone of the pituitary gland, the oxytocin. This hormone leads to womb contractions and is good for the involution. It also promotes the contraction of the fine muscle fibers around the mammary glands. The milk flows more lightly through this.

The ovaries form the hormones important to a regular menstrual cycle estrogen and progesterone also at not calming mothers only after 6 to 8 weeks. Many women watch hot flusheses in the childbed as they also are usual in the climacterics. You are co-caused by the reduced concentration of the ovary hormones. Also depressive discords in the childbed are co-caused by this hormone deficiency. The gift can cause a very rapid recovery of progesterone at postpartum depressions.

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