After the birth:

Milk species

The milk isn't always same but adapts to the needs of the infant. Pre-milk (colostrum) is distinguished between, transition milk and mature mother's milk.

The colostrum is already formed in the pregnancy. It is relatively viscous, yellow and rich to egg-white and minerals. The fat portion is low. The pre-milk is, however, enriched with defense substances and protects the newborn child from infections so. In addition, it promotes the secretions of the merconiums, the so-called meconium, the first stool of the newborn child. It is colored stickily and green black.

After some days the transition milk forms. It is also yellowish and viscous, its fat and carbohydrate portion is but is more highly than that one of the pre-milk, however, its egg-white portion less.

After about two weeks the mature mother's milk is formed. It contains all required fats, carbohydrates and proteins which the infant needs up to its sixth life month.

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