After the birth:

Involution of the womb

This one on this gets smaller 20 fold uterus grown his size //ig//. The womb is approximately as big as a grapefruit a couple of hours after the birth. After completion of the childbed it is approximately as big as the fist of an adult. Gram the weight of the womb behaved about 1000 toward the end of the pregnancy, goes down approximately to 60 to 70 grams again, which one. There are individual differences at these details.

It comes to the involution primarily by the following three factors:
  • The afterpainses cause a pulling together the muscle tissue.
  • By the estrogen waste the tissue gets no longer so strongly supplied with blood.
  • The hormone oxytocin secreted when calming causes contractions of the uterus.
The involution can be promoted by silences, childbed exercises and get up by early and walk around after the birth.

The course of the uterus involution is judged at the height of the fundus stand (top edge of the womb). The control of the involution is carried out within the first days minimumly. The physician or the midwife feels the womb by the abdominal wall. The uterus is into height of the navel, at which after the birth it is already 1 transverse finger palpably under the navel 1st day after the birth. On the 10 day the womb is approximately palpable at the pubic bone. After 6 weeks it is completely back educated.

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