After the birth:


Almost every woman is able to calm. The mother should that you must already extensively ask during the pregnancy understand as profession the first time of calming what means. It is important to accept help in any case also. So a midwife can be drawn to rate at silent problems silent all the time. Also Still advisers offer their help. If they work in an honorary capacity, then you don't have to pay this help. Lech league arranges honorary silent advisers the La. To establish contacts with other mothers silent groups helpfully and furthermore are a good opportunity also. These groups are frequently accompanied by a midwife or silent adviser.


Mother's milk is the nutrition provided by the nature for an infant. It is coordinated optimally with the needs of the child from the physiologic composition within the first six months. Much brings silences advantages:
  • There are immunoglobulins in the mother's milk which protect the baby from many infections. Its own immune system is still unripe at the birth and must develop only slowly. Breastfed children are therefore less susceptible to infections than "weanlings".
  • The mother's milk offers protection against food allergies at least for the duration of silent time.
  • All nurse and minerals and vitamins (except for vitamin D) are contained in an optimal composition in the mother's milk.
  • The development of the physiologic intestine flora is promoted. Because the mother's milk contains substances which positively influence a settlement of bifidus bacteria.
  • This in the mother's milk available lactoferrin (iron definite protein) provides a better iron supply.
  • The involution of the womb is favored.
  • The mother child relation promotes silences.
  • Mother's milk is body warmly, aseptically freshly availably and moreover always free at every time.
There are also medical reasons to warn the mother of calming, though. The mother mustn't calm at an open tuberculosis. It should as well do without calming if it is HIV-positive. With the mother's milk the virus can be transferred to the baby.

If the mother is very weakened physically, for example due to a heavy infection or a cancer illness, you shouldn't calm with consideration for its own health. Some medicines which the mother must take change into the mother's milk and can harm the infant. Ask every medicine at your physician whether you may take it at the silent time.

Of course also personal reasons can hold the mother of calming for example if you want or must go back very rapidly in the profession again.


You don't think that a life is put at a disadvantage for a long time your child only because it was fed with the flask. The milk produced industrially cannot imitate the mother's milk completely but it permanently is tried to improve it always further. The feeling of proximity and security can be arranged for a weanling as well.


The mother's milk is with contaminants, this one the mother has taken her life loadedly for a long time. The single composition of the mother's milk and the hearty get-together of mother and child, however, outweigh this negative fact open. If you should have been exposed to special contaminants at their work, then you can have your mother's milk tested on delays. Addresses arrange pediatricians or the public health department. In connection with this, it is also important that you don't lose weight too strongly during the silent time. The contaminants are stored in the fat depots. If the body empties the fat cells, the contaminants reach more and more into the strongly fatty mother's milk.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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