After the birth:

Silent technique

Babies can be breastfed in the lying, seats or standing. It is important that one takes a comfortable posture the mother for it and the baby. Have betray some tricks of your midwife (silent cushion, footstool). Consult the child to yourself.

The baby should grasp the nipple and a part of the areola with the mouth. A vacuum space arises when lowering the lower jaw in the oral cavity of the child so. Through this the exits of the mammary glands fill with milk. If the baby then raises the lower jaw, the areola pressed together and the milk is pressed into the mouth. The infant sucks, swallows and breathes simultaneously. Calming it is important that the baby has a free nasal breathing because otherwise he lets the nipple off to breathe by the mouth. Push the mamma with the finger a little aside if this is necessary.

Within the first days the silent duration shouldn't be longer than five till maximal ten minutes at a mamma. Change the mamma after the five minutes and increase the drinking duration minimumly. A soreness of the mamma causes nipples rapidly too long. After the milk bullet hole the child can determine its drinking duration itself.

When calming you should pay attention on a thorough hygiene. Wash their hands in front of this. After calming you have some mother's milk dried on the nipple. You prefer to change the silent inlays once once in a while when too few

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