After the birth:


The placenta leaves a deep wound in the womb wall which approximately is palm of the hand great. Also the fetal membranes has the whole pregnancy surrounded the unborn protectively, abrasions take themselves off and cause at the other womb musculature, this one. The sore plane which has left the placenta must be cured. A sore secretion, the lochia , arises. It consists of placenta remnants and great blood clot. The set and composition of the lochia changes according to the healing course. It is bloodily, in the second week reddish brown still the first week to yellowish. In the 3rd to 6th week its color is mucously gray white. However, it also happens that the lochial secretion still contains blood additions after the birth up to four weeks. After six weeks the lochia finally stops.

The complete loss of blood in the childbed is between 200 and 500 milliliters. The bleedings are the strongest at the beginning and then decrease continuously. The uterine cavity is settled by ascendent bacteria (for example staphylococci and streptococci) from the sheath shortly after the birth. The lochia is infectious. A pernickety intimate hygiene must be adhered to by the puerpera. After every toilet gait and climacteric of the bandage the genital area should be given a shower. The hands must be washed and disinfected. The contact with the mamma has to be avoided at all cost. Otherwise it can come to a painful mastitis. Another tip: If you don't take off a nightie about the head, pick out about the legs. Shoots of the lochia cannot come to the mamma or the Still bra so.

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