After the birth:

Load incontinence

It primarily comes sneezing, raise, stairs staircases or run at the laughter, cough, by the pressure increase in the abdomen to an unchecked droplet wise micturition (load incontinence). For this the over-stretching of the abdominal tissue by pregnancy is mainly with women and a role birth responsibly, in the climacterics also plays the reduced hormonal production. But also overweight and a false posture overtax the pelvic floor. All components contribute that the organs shift and push on the urine tract. If the pelvic floor gives way flabbily to below instead of supporting the abdominal organs, urine comes off in dribs and drabs.

Possible helps
So-called pelvic floor centers in which physicians and physiotherapists closely cooperate are a contact point to which women concerned can turn. Ask your gynecologist for addresses in your proximity.

Pelvic floor training
The pelvic floor can be exercised by special exercises like every other muscle also. Use of the right breathing technique, the feeling for the pelvic floor and of course the consistent execution of the shown exercises, is important. A good strengthening of the pelvic floor is achieved also with the pilates training.

Bio feedback
Bio feedback makes muscle tension and body temperature which uninfluencedly go off visible on a monitor. The patient leads a sensor into the vagina a and build up pelvic floor tension, had a try. Every tension of the pelvic floor muscle is evaluated by computers and represented graphically. Physiotherapists this method is learnable and can be exercised at home under instruction of one.

The pelvic floor musculature is activated actively by stimulation current at the electrostimulation. This method is used if no-one or only a very low reaction capacity of the pelvic floor is available at the pelvic floor training and at the bio feedback.

Vaginal konen are weights which look like a tampon, must be held tight by the patient into the sheath establishedly and there. The pelvic floor musculature must be tightened so and is exercised.

A preparation only available on prescription with the active substance duloxetin works about the central nervous system and steers the musculature important to the urination. It invigorates the urethra muscle. It is allowed for women with a middle till heavy load incontinence. Ointments and suppositories containing estrogen improve the circulation of the pelvic floor and therefore lead to its streamlining.

If all listed methods of treatment don't lead to the desired success, there is the possibility of stepping in operatively. For example the urethra can be stabilized with a synthetic ligament.

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