After the birth:

Perineum broke / Perineal suture

Pains in the perineum area are part of the most frequent sufferings in the childbed. The connective tissue and the muscles between the vagina and the coccyx get extremely stressed at the birth. The perineum often catches on or a specific episiotomy must be carried out. But even if the perineum has remained intact, the sheath feels sore after the birth within the first days and is pressure-sensitive.

It has to be observed that perineal lacerations heal more rapidly and prepare less pains than episiotomies. Smaller perineal lacerations often aren't sewn, too. The puerpera should therefore take the first days into account that it doesn't spread its legs so that the rip doesn't gape again.

Is decisive for feeling the pain and the healing duration at an episiotomy, it how long (2 to 8 centimeters) and how deep is and whether it median this means along the natural perineal suture or lateral were attached. The suture technique and the individual wound healing are also decisive for the sore pain. It is therefore understandable that the wound healing of the episiotomy individually is different with every woman and lasts differently long, too.

The following measures can influence the healing positively:
  • Pay attention to a soft bowel movement. Many are recommendably fluid taken, dry fruit and roughage rich diet linseed just like drinking much. The puerperas broke at great episiotomies or-is well on taking cash fluid nutrition ordered in some hospitals to keep the excretions of intestine content minimal within the first days after the birth. It is also helpful to put cream on the anus to the toilet in front of the gait.
  • Ice packings bring a short-term relief and prevent hematomas (hematomas). The cold slows, however, the healing process down.
  • The physician can prescribe local narcotics (lidocaine spray or gel) to the pain anesthesia. After arrangement with the attending doctor the intake of analgesics is also possible for the active substances paracetamol or ibuprofen. Also medicines with the substance diclofenac soothe the pains.
  • Warm hip-baths with antiphlogistic additions (chamomile, arnica and oak cortex) are found agreeable.
  • To make easier sitting, you ask hospital or her midwife for a seat ring made of rubber or foam material in this. If no-one is available, you form themselves from a thick revolved towel unite. You need a medical help absolutely at the following pains in the perineum area:
  • Pains in the perineum area which primarily appear at the urination indicate a urinary tract infection. Your attending doctor probably will give therapy with antibiotics.
  • If the perineum wound weeps, is hot, taps and is aching piercingly, an inflammation could be behind this.
  • Also hematomas (hematomas) in the perineum area cause great pains and should be provided medically.
  • Sometimes cut the sutures at the wound unpleasantly or lead to tension feelings. An ache of the sutures or sometimes solving then bring relief.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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