After the birth:

Sex after the birth

It is medical to object nothing to a vaginal sexual intercourse 3 to 4 weeks after the delivery. The end of the lochia should be waited until because of the danger of infection, though. Otherwise condoms must be used.

Sleep, however, only with each other when you both want it. Many women don't feel sexual desire after the birth such short time yet. The permanent use of the woman by the baby leads to tiredness and exhaustion of the mother. Both has an inhibiting effect on the sex life. The need of the woman for proximity and tenderness is satisfied by the close physical contact to the baby.

An available perineal suture perhaps still can prepare troubles. A healing an episiotomy completely can last for months! The fear of the pains to be expected doesn't let any desire feeling arise. This is often a difficult situation for the partner. However, it doesn't mean that the pair must practice a complete renunciation. One can show himself reciprocal affection also by caresses and petting, for example.

Feeling sexually will be different than during the pregnancy or the time before.

By the hormonal rearrangement the sheath of the woman is often a little drier, too. Therefore use a little lubricant. The mammas of a calming woman are often milk filled and sensitive If you use co. cathedral, take care that of The lubricant gets on with you (no petrolatum)!. Many women don't like it therefore if their mammas are touched. Inform your partner whether this is the case with you.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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