After the birth:

Involution disturbance

It has possibly at the involution of the womb that the lochia already dries up in the early childbed. The bleeding stop is often heralded by a striking lochia (malodorous) or a delayed uterus involution. It is a so-called lochia jam. The puerpera complains about forehead headaches. The upper womb border then has to be offended more highly than it corresponds to the childbed duration. The risk of an infection increases since the lochia secretion contains ascendent shoots which aren't from permanently washed now.

A minimum control of the puerpera is required up to the normalization of the lochia by the midwife or the gynecologist. The involution of the womb checked and the lochia are judged by crowd, color and smell.

An abdomen massage of the uterus, take help the abdomen lie and gymnastic exercises to get the lochia going again. Perhaps the gynecologist also becomes mead here gin prescribe. The lochia is also strengthened by heat. Hot hip-baths and heat packings therefore help at lochia jam. An approved household remedy is the shepherd's-purse tea.

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