After the birth:

Amount of drinking

The central question during the complete silent time is: Does the baby get enough milk? Babies don't drink at every meal just much and also have minimum and development conditional fluctuations. When rule of thumb is valid: If the diapers four are wet well until five times on the day and the baby grows and prospers, the child gets sufficient milk.

To get a more exact clue over the amount of milk, a silent test can be carried out. The baby gets well-disposed towards calming in its clothes in front of and after. The amount of drinking gives up from the difference. For a detailed summary the silent test should be carried out over several days.

The following amounts of drinking are regarded as points of reference:

1st living stay distributes 50 -70 ml of drinking amount in milliliter per kilogram of weight of the child over a day

2nd living stay distributes 70 -90 ml of drinking amount in milliliter per kilogram of weight of the child over a day

3rd living stay distributes 80 -100 ml of drinking amount in milliliter per kilogram of weight of the child over a day

4th living stay distributes 100 -120 ml of drinking amount in milliliter per kilogram of weight of the child over a day

5th living stay distributes 100 -140 ml of drinking amount in milliliter per kilogram of weight of the child over a day

1st -- 3rd life month distributes 160 -180 ml of drinking amount in milliliter per kilogram of weight of the child over a day

4th -- 6th life month distributes 140 -160 ml of drinking amount in milliliter per kilogram of weight of the child over a day

Example: Need it, if a baby 4000 weighs gram, then as of the 2nd week about 160 ml to 180 ml of milk per kilogram of body weight. These are 4 X 160 milliliters = 640 milliliters. This amount of drinking spreads out in this age on six to eight meals per day. At six meals it is around 105 milliliters per meal

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

Diese Informationen dürfen auf keinen Fall als Ersatz für ärztliche Beratung angesehen werden. Der Inhalt von kann und darf auf keinen Fall verwendet werden, um eigenständig Diagnosen zu stellen oder Selbstbehandlung durchzuführen.

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