After the birth:

Cord blood

After the birth the cord gets by separated. Nowadays you wait until the cord has stopped pulsating. The midwife attaches two clamps about 13 and 15 centimeters remotely from the navel of the child to this. Between this the incision which the father also may execute in many clinical complexes is carried out. With every newborn child a couple of guttas of blood are taken and their pH value determined from the cord. If the value lies in the acid area, then this is an indication that the baby has been under stress in the final stages of the birth. The value is makes a note in the mother passport in the segment "degree examination/epicrisis". A blood typing is still carried out and the rhesus factor found out with the cord blood in some clinical complexes.

There also are reasons to divide off the cord if it still pulsates. If the mother has the rhesus negative blood feature, the cord gets by separated quickly. The contact of maternal and childlike blood are kept as low as possible since perhaps rhesus of positive child shall an antibody formation be avoided at the mother against the blood of one. Also read through the chapter rhesus incompatibility to this.

If the parents want to have been the stem cells contained in the cord blood cold deeply, then the cord still pulsating also is as of stuck. Stem cells are a biological unusual feature. It is cells which aren't differentiated exactly yet. In principle all parts of the body still can develop from them. Some diseases can already be healed with these cells

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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