After the birth:

Newborn childs first examination (U1)

After the apgar test the newborn child is wrapped in an in front of warmed cloth and given to the parents for a getting to know briefly. After this you take a bath and its temperature measure. The midwife provides the navel wound with a sterile bandage. There is to be an ointment usually, into the eyes of the child in many clinical complexes also today certainly. It shall offer protection against an infection which could have incurred the newborn child during the birth (Blennorrhoe or Crédé's eye prophylaxis).

The child is weighed at the newborn childs first examination (U1). Its birth weight is an important characteristic for the health status of the newborn child. These over 4000 with children or gram weighs under 3000, the blood-sugar level is in addition still determined, gram. The body length of the baby is measured. The average body length of the mature, delivered baby amounts to 50 centimeters. The measuring of the head circumference yields a comparison size for later growth measurements. If the fetus water wasn't whitishly, caseous but for example colored green, the blood of the newborn child is examined for possible inflammation features. All values are noted down in the yellow child examination exercise book.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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