After the birth:

Cesarean section scar

Even if the cesarean section scar of the outside looks very small, it can prepare great pains. The incision is very deep and it was damaged to muscle fibers.

The following measures decrease the pain and promote the wound healing:
  • The puerpera gets medicines with the active substances paracetamol or ibuprofen. Also preparations with the active substance diclofenac soothe the pains.
  • The self-healing powers of the body are promoted by rest and saving.
  • The puerpera should pay attention to a pernickety hygiene.
At the following troubles you should immediately go into a medical medical treatment:
  • if you get fevers or intense pains have at the scar or in the lower abdomen,
  • if the tissue around the wound swells up or the edges of a wound gape,
  • if a malodorous sore secretion or pus leaves the wound.

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