After the birth:

Milk formation

The milk formation is, three factors, optimal coordinated with each other, a process interplays have to. This is hormones, impulses and the psyche.

The mammas are prepared for calming already in the pregnancy. The hormone prolactin is formed in the brain (hypothalamus) under the influence of the hormones progesterone and estrogen which first are formed by the ovaries and then by the placenta. The glandular tissue of the mammas starts under its influence to grow and to mature. The hormone HPL (human placenta lactogen) formed in the placenta also has an effect on the development of the glandular tissue and causes the extension of the mammas. Prolactin becomes the whole pregnancy formed but little mother's milk only arises. The progesterone is mainly responsible for it. It blocks the milk formation but not the development of the glandular tissue about receptors at the mammary glands. After the birth sinks by the expulsion of the placenta (education place of progesterone during the pregnancy) of the progesterone mirrors rapidly and the hindering of the milk formation is lifted, the hormone prolactin can promote the milk formation unhinderedly.

The size of the mammas isn't important to the milk production. This is only determined by the fatty tissue. The training of the glandular tissue is rather decisive for calming. Under hormone influence (see above) start to wax the glandular tissue in the pregnancy, milk ducts and milk vesicles are formed. To be able to imagine the glandular tissue better, one makes use of the image of a branched bush. The nipple (Mamille) represents the root, branches (patch) sit at the branches (milk ducts) with stalks (lobules) and the fetuses (milk vesicles). In front of the nipples immediately the milk ducts enlarge themselves and form there so-called milk seas.

Supply and demand

The baby should be laid out for calming already in the labor room. It has a distinctive sucking reflex shortly after the birth. Sucking causes an intensive nerve stimulus at the mother and the secretion of the hormones causes prolactin and oxytocin in the brain. Both hormones pour over the bloodstream to the mamma. There prolactin causes the milk formation, oxytocin makes the galactorrhea possible. It takes care that the milk flows through the milk ducts to the nipple by triggering a pulling together the muscles around the end leading gaits.

This milk donating reflex is often immediately described as a warm tingling feeling before using the galactorrhea. The flowing of the milk is already triggered alone by the crying of their hungry baby with some women. Certain smells or the sight of a baby can have the same effect.

Calming works according to the principle of supply and demand. The once in a while the baby drinks at the mamma the more intensively the prolactin mirror and with that the milk production is the sucking stimulus and the higher is. The baby less often drinks, the hormone levels sink and the amount of milk reduces itself so.

Negative influences

The milk donating reflex-and thus also the galactorrhea-can be blocked by various reasons disturbedly or even. Anxiety, hectic rush, trouble, pains (cesarean section scar, perineal suture or sore nipples) as well as a separation from the child have a negative effect. Alone already the fact that you don't like the presence of third parties when calming can weaken the galactorrhea.

Increase of the amount of milk

A general rule during the whole silent time is:
  • Laying out at the two mammas per silent meal increases the amount of milk.
  • Laying out at only one mamma per silent meal reduces the amount of milk. However, there are even broader possibilities of increasing the amount of milk:
  • Laying out the infant frequently increases the milk formation.
  • Since 85% of the mother's milk consist of water, the amount of milk can be influenced by fluid supply. The ample photo (approx. 2 to 2.5 liter) of mineral water is favorable, herb teas or a milk formation tea. With the milk formation tea the maximal daily dose shouldn't be exceeded by a liter because otherwise it seems laxative with the mother and the child, though.
  • You massage the mammas before calming milk education-oil. However, use it thriftily. Your baby recognizes you by your specific smell and perhaps will refuse the mamma if the smell note is too intensive and foreign.
Homeopathic medicines also can help to increase the amount of milk. Let yourself be advised by your midwife.

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