After the birth:


The puerperas are already 2 to 8 hours after the birth stopped to this to get up the first time. This measure prevents a thrombosis. It comes to the formation of a blood clot at a thrombosis within the bloodstream. This happens in the deep leg veins and this clot comes loose, it can reach the lung and stop an artery up with the bloodstream so. The thus supplied lung tissue is then cut off the blood supply. A life-threatening pulmonary embolism has arisen.

At a pulmonary embolism the breath suddenly accelerates itself, fells the breathing heavily. Sometimes a dull pain appears behind the breastbone, fevers and cough can arrive.

It comes to a swelling up of the calf or the crus painfully at a deep venous thrombosis. The skin is discolored bluishly or reddishly. An embolism and thrombosis having to be immediately treated medically. Puerperas are endangered particularly with regard to thromboses and embolisms. The following factors are responsible for it:
  • Women in the childbed are physically often little active, the blood circulation is slower. Thromboses are favored by it.
  • The formation of varicose veins (varixes) is favored in the pregnancy under a hormonal influence. In turn these increase the thrombosis danger.
  • The coagulability is twice as high as normal at a puerpera.
  • The extended uterus presses the great veins and hinders the blood flow.
To prevent a thrombosis, the puerpera, as mentioned above, should get up early and make childbed exercises. Women who are exposed particularly must wear supporting stockings.

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