Communicable diseases

Sexually transmissible diseases are infectious diseases at which the causative agents by unprotected sexual contacts are transferred. Sexually transmissible diseases and sexually transmitted diseases are frequently used synonymously. One can most effectively protect himself from the sexually transmissible infections with condoms. Against hepatitis A and B there is one vaccination each. The risk of diseases capturing themselves more increases for sex partners frequently changing with the increasing number. The symptoms of an infection often show themselves only later, what makes more difficult for the early detection and treatment of the disease. The earlier the disease is recognized and treated, the better the chances of recovery are. Not treated diseases can have serious consequences which even can lead to sterility. It is therefore important to go to a physician or gynecologist/urologist at every species of discharge, at pruritus at the urethra and at burning at the urination as well as at exanthemas soon. The partners also must be informed by the infection since a partner medical treatment is often demanded urgently. The infected ones frequently don't show any symptoms, though. This is particularly dangerous because the disease is further given unnoticedly to partners.

The portal shall give an insight into the sexually transmissible diseases.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.


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