
Trichomoniasis is a worldwide common infectious disease which is caused by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis. Approximately ten per cent of the women are affected by the disease. However, the prolonged gestation is made by sexual intercourse also by towels, infectious sponges used jointly or by bath water. The prolonged gestation by sexual contacts can be prevented with condoms. The disease remains, at primarily men, the causative agents can further unnoticedly be given to the partners without symptoms.


Women are more frequently affected by the disease. The mobile flagellate Trichomonas vaginalis settles the vagina. The sheath ignites a couple of days after the infection. The inflammation can spread on the os uteri later. It comes to the pruritus and burning accompanied by a yellowish green, foamy and unpleasant smelling discharge. The inflammation on the urethra and bladder spreads, it hurts at the urination and it comes to a frequent urgency. Pains also can appear at the sexual intercourse. The disease often goes without symptoms primarily when the illness gets chronic.

The causative agents happen also at men at the mucosas of the genitalia and at the urinary tracts. The glans penis and the foreskin ignites. The disease goes at men without symptoms mostly. If it comes to troubles, then the symptoms are similar as in the case of the women: Itchings, pains, a milky whitish discharge, a frequent urgency and urinate painful. The causative agents can spread on the bladder, the prostate and the epididymises.

These parasites cannot increase in the intestine, an infection by anal traffic practically therefore isn't possible.


The pathogens can be proved by a smear from the sheath or the urethra with a microscopical examination. The disease often appears into combination with other diseases like gonorrhea or Chlamydia.


The medical treatment is carried out with antibiotics. The partner must be co-treated. The chances of recovery are good. Sexual intercourse should be renounced up to the complete healing.


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