Acute epididymitis

As a rule, an acute epididymitis is an infection caused by bacteria of the epididymises. In the past, the most frequent trigger of an epididymitis of the claps was. Nowadays the illness is rather due to chlamydia, such bacterium similar microorganisms particularly at men among 35 years. As a rule, these shoots are transferred by sexual contact. The illness also can be the result of a urinary tract infection or prostatitis not healed correctly. In this case the shoots have wandered on and have infected the epididymis. The same as an epididymitis isn't an orchitis although testicles and epididymises are narrowly connected to each other. The testicle can be lit in addition. The epididymises connect the testicle to the spermatic duct. The epididymises lie at the back of the testicles.


However, strong pains can appear in the scrotum also in the inguinal region and in the hypogastrium. The epididymis swells up increasingly, the skin reddens itself and its folds cancel each other out. As a rule, these symptoms become the fallen ill feels generally weak of a high fever, accompanied even to 40° degrees Celsius. A hydrocele, that is an accumulation also can happen a serous fluid in the area of the scrotum. Further complications like a pus accumulation (abscess formation) or even a blood poisoning (sepsis) can appear at an epididymitis in rare cases. A chronic epididymitis appears at about 15 to 20 per cent of the cases consequence or the final state of an acute inflammation and as a rule, it is one.


At first the physician feels carefully the testicles and epididymises. This process can be very painful. Testicles and epididymises are no more delimit in an advanced stage of the disease. The pathogenes of the epididymitis can be found out with a smear from the urethra. In addition, you carry out one urine and barest.


The epididymitis is given therapy to with confinement to bed and antibiotics. In addition, the testicles must be very stored and cooled. During the therapy recommends himself to tight-fitting trousers instead of wearing boxer shorts. As a rule, the patient has healed after two to three weeks. It can last for several months, though, until the swollen testicles reach their origin size. To go for certain that all pathogenes of the inflammation have been killed, a follow-up examination must be carried out. The partner must be co-treated to avoid the reciprocal re-infections.


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