Ulcer beer or soft chancre (Chancroid)

The disease ulcer beer or soft chancre is caused by the bacterium haemophilus ducreyi. Ulcer beer happens primarily in the tropical and subtropical countries of Asia and Africa. It is rather rare in Europe. Men worldwide more frequently fall ill chancre as women with it more softly. Cut men are concerned by the disease more rarely than uncircumcised.

As a rule, the prolonged gestation is made by sexual intercourse. The bacteria which are very sensitive to cold and out drying can penetrate into the tissue by the injured skin or mucosa. The disease can be prevented effectively with condoms and thorough body hygiene.


Days, after the infection nodular vesicles which rapidly develop into painful, soft ulcers appear one couple of in the genital area. These are limited sharply, have jagged borders. In the middle they are reddened and have a diameter from about one to two cm. The ulcers bleed lightly and are very painfully if they come with urine in contact.

The ulcers can untreatedly heal themselves. The causative agents stay in the body furthermore, though or they can also by scrapers in other places further carried be.

The foreskin is, the receipt of the vagina concerned with women at men mostly. The lymph nodes which purulently set out for the outside in addition swell up in the inguinal region. With women the infection can go also without symptoms.


At suspicion of the disease a physician must be gone to. The pathogens can be proved by a smear with a microscopical examination. The mistake with other diseases becomes an additional laboratory examination protected. The illness at the genital ulcus points to an unprotected sexual intercourse. The patients fallen ill with ulcer beer can have been infected in addition also with other diseases like syphilis, gonorrhea or HIV.


The disease is treated with antibiotics. The prognosis is good.

The partner must be treated jointly. In addition, sexual intercourse should be renounced until the complete cure.


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