Itch or scabies

The itch or scabies is not part of the typical sexually transmissible diseases, it is an infectious skin illness. The pathogenes of the itch, that is the mites are transferred about close body contact (such as in bed or at the sexual intercourse), however, as a rule. In addition, the prolonged gestation can be made by towels and garments used jointly.

The itch mite is around 0.2 to 0.5 mm in size. The fully-grown male mites hike looking for a female on the skin surface and already die after the mating. The female mites dig themselves in after the mating into the topmost layer of the human skin, put their eggs and excrements down there and die. The larvae develop into mites, the cuniculuses leave and live on the skin surface further after about three weeks.

The mite excrement calls an inflammation of the skin. The affected skin places begin to itch. The skin hurt becomes frequent scrapers, vacancies arise at the skin surface through this. Be able to himself in the injured deeper skin layers rapid bacteria hermits who lead to further infections.

The itch can happen also under the best hygienic conditions. A prevention isn't possible. Itch doesn't heal in any case, a physician therefore must be gone to at the first symptoms of the disease.


A strong pruritus is part of the clinical picture of the itch (the itch with children) particularly in the bed heat. Cm of long cuniculus frequently are into body convolutions, such as between the toes, the in the genital area in the axis folds, fingers, wrists and nipples about one. Also other parts of the body can be affected. Eczema similar skin changes become the skin squamously and reddened, arise it. At the end of the small mite canals reddened nodules are, into which the female mites put their eggs down. Since the disease is often mistaken for the eczema, it remains unrecognized for a long time and because of which untreatedly.


The disease test is made by the microscopical detection of the mite or its eggs.


For the treatment of the itch different external means which kill the mites are used. These are applied on the skin according to a medical order for several days. Some of these means are very toxic. Pregnant women may therefore be treated only with a medicine suitable for them.

The mites can survive outside the skin two to three days, because of this mattresses and beds must be aired for at least three days. In addition, C's bedlinen and used clothes must be washed at 90°. These cannot be washed at this temperature, garments one must keep four days in a plastic bag locked well.

Contact persons must be co-treated, also then, if they don't show any symptoms yet. These can appear after the infection even up to four weeks.


These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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