
Hominis are bacteria which can cause an inflammation in the genital area Mycoplasma. As a rule, a mycoplasma infection appears rarely alone but with other sexually transmissible causative agents. With the increasing number of sex partners the risk of a mycoplasma infection increases. Also women who take the anti baby pill belong to the risk group. An infection can most effectively be prevented with condoms. An infected woman can infect her child during the birth. The consequences are lungs or meningitis.


The symptoms of a Mycoplasma infection aren't characteristic. Among other things Mycoplasmas can cause inflammations with women at the following organs: Separate ureters, kidneys and renal pelvis or oviduct and ovaries, bladder. A yellowish discharge appears at men, comes to pains at the urination and to a great urgency it. The infection can cause a ureter and prostatitis. The infection can lead to the sterility at the two sexes.


The causative agents are found out with the help of a smear of the os uteri or at men from the urethra. It is cultures laid out and the rackings analyzed in the microscope.


The medical treatment is carried out with antibiotics. The partner must be co-treated.

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