Candidose or thrush

The disease thrush or Candidose is an infection of the mucosas (sheath, oral cavity or gullet) which is caused by the yeast mushroom of Candida Albicans. The mushroom of Candida Albicans is established also in the natural body flora of many people on the mucosa without triggering a disease. It only then is a mycosis if the mushroom increases strongly in the mucosa. Through this the natural balance between the microorganisms and the human organism is disturbed. Persons whose body is weakened due to a disease belong to the risk group, for example sugar and AIDS sick persons. Hormonal rearrangements with women, e.g. during the pregnancy or at the taking of the anti baby pill increase the infection risk.

The infection can come from the outside, be for example so made by direct body contact with an infected person at the sexual intercourse. The prolonged gestation can, how made by towels used jointly are by objects.

Mycoses can appear again and again. Drying the skin, special thoroughly in the body folds to washing/Baden and by towels only used individually with a good hygiene, cotton underwear, can be prevented to an infection well.


In the case of a Candida infection women feel a burning at the urination. The mucosa of the vagina is reddened and swollen. A strong pruritus arises. There is a whitish and crumbly discharge. In addition, the mucosa is covered with a coating. Are sexual intercourse and introducing a tampon painfully.

The glans penis is reddened at men, another white and squamous coating arrives in the later stage. Perhaps the foreskin is concerned. Strong pains can arise at the urination.

Candidose can appear also on warm and wet body games, as in the skinfolds, in the Anus area under the mamma or the armpit. If the disease remains untreated, the causative agents can spread in the whole body. It even can get life-threatening with immune weak people, such as in connection with AIDS.


The pathogens can be proved by a smear with a following microscopical examination.


Candidose heals in any case rarely, a physician therefore must be gone to. First is after the pathogen looked. Then are the corresponds therapeutic measures started. The medical treatment is carried out with sheath suppositories, ointments and/or different antimycotics. These are medicines which are effective opposite mushrooms. The partner must be co-treated jointly to avoid reciprocal new infections. In rare cases the mushroom can spread in the whole body.


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