Gonorrhea or clap

Gonorrhea or clap is a sexually transmitted disease which is caused by certain bacteria, the Neisseria gonorrhoeae or gonococcen. 60 million new illnesses are registered worldwide per annum. Women and men fall ill with it in the same frequency. Clap is the most frequent sexually transmitted disease in Germany.

The bacterium is sensitive to temperature fluctuations and out drying, it is only short-termly therefore over-viable outside the human body. The prolonged gestation is made by direct mucus contact, as a rule by an unprotected sexual intercourse. Infected mothers also can infect her children at the birth. The consequence is a suppurative bandage skin inflammation which can lead to the loss of sight in the worst case.

One can most effectively protect himself from the infection by the use of condoms. One can fall ill to gonorrhea repeatedly since the body doesn't develop any immunity against gonococcen.


The first symptoms can appear a couple of days after the infection. These are different with men and women. Depending on species of the sexual intercourse it comes to an infection of the mucosas at the sexual organs, in the anal area or at the mouth.

The urethra ignites in conjunction with a yellow green discharge at the men with pains at the urination. The foreskin can be reddened and swollen up. The disease goes, however, at every fifth man without symptoms. Gonorrhea can pass these on to its partners without knowing it. If the disease remains untreated, the bacteria can spread in the urine and sex ways. The consequences are inflammations of the prostate and the epididymises. In addition, it can too scarred changes and adhesions come, these be able to lead to the sterility. For appropriate sexual practices the pharynx or the rectum can ignite.

With women the troubles are milder in the initial phase. The inflammation of the urethra and the cervix often remains unnoticed. A burning at the urination and a discharge are regarded as not unusual. Sometimes the labia are inflamed, too. The disease goes at approximately the half of the infected women without symptoms. These can pass gonorrhea on to partners of their without knowing it. It can come to very painful inflammations in the oviduct in an advanced stage of the disease. One about one gonorrhea can to the adhesion of the oviducts do it and ovaries come, in turn what can lead to the sterility as a consequence for some time untreated.

If the disease isn't treated, then being able to the bacteria spread themselves in rare cases at the two sexes in the bloodstream and therefore in the whole body. The consequences are fevers, eyes and arthritises as well as exanthema.


The pathogens can be proved by a smear with a microscopical examination. The patients fallen ill with gonorrhea can in addition have themselves with other diseases like syphilis, chlamydia or HIV infected. An examination for the diseases just mentioned therefore recommends itself.


The disease is treated with antibiotics. At early recognition and medical treatment the prognosis is good, it, however, recommends itself a check-up.

The partner must be co-treated. In addition, sexual intercourse should be renounced until the complete cure.


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