Cowardly or genital verrucas (Codylomata acuminata)

Cowardly or genital verrucas (Codylomata acuminata) are one of the most frequent sexually transmissible diseases. This be papilloma caused for virus (HPV) by it humanly. The viruses can by an injured skin or this one mucosa penetrate and increase there into the tissue. HPV is presumably usually transferred at the sexual intercourse. The prolonged gestation can be made also by common Baden or infected objects. In addition, an infected woman can put her child on with the causative agents during the birth. The disease is common worldwide and can concern women as men both. The most effective protection from the infection is the use of condoms.


The verrucas develop months after the infection to eight for three weeks. The causative agents can affect the os uteri the penis, the sheath, the labia, the anus area, the urethra or more rarely. The verrucas can be seen clearly lightly. None or only low symptoms let themselves be seen at approximately the half the fallen ill. Fig warts can look different. Pinhead-sized verruca similar nodules which proliferate slowly and finally can grow over to very infectious cauliflower like things appear first. These nodules are reddish, brownish or white and can itch or burn. There are many different papilloma viruses. Some can cause heavy cell changes which can untreatedly lead up to the cervix cancer and to sheaths, penis and anal carcinoma.


As a rule, the fig warts can be diagnosed by their phenotype. In the early stage the illness can with the help of one acetic acid test be proved. In the case of doubt a microscopical examination is carried out. Other sexually transmissible diseases can be hidden or else strengthened by the papilloma infection, these therefore must be excluded with an examination.


There are several possibilities for the treatment of the verrucas depending on results. Sometimes the verrucas disappear in any case, too. The virus remains hidden in the cells furthermore, however, and gets active at an immunodeficiency again. Verrucas can be spread with different means. It has to be taken care that every substance isn't suitable for pregnant women. A medicinal therapy can stop longer and asks of the patients discipline. The verrucas can or else be removed also surgically with laser, freezing. Fig warts can grow again again. Control examinations therefore should be taken seriously and a renewed therapy is often necessary.


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