Molluscum contagiosums

Molluscum contagiosums (epithelioma conataiosum, epithelioma molluscum or molluscs) are benign skin illnesses. You are caused by the Molluscum contagiosum virus. The viruses like to stay such as in the swimming pool in a wetly warm environment. The causative agents can penetrate into the skin by micro injuries. As a rule, the prolonged gestation is carried out in the swimming pool or over direct body contact such as at the sexual intercourse. An infection is possible also about towels used jointly. The molluscs can further be carried by on-scrapers of the skin themselves. Children and young adults are mainly affected by the molluscum contagiosums. These have fallen ill with neurodermatitis or a very dry skin have, have a particularly high infection risk children . Boys are more frequently than girl infected. People with immunodeficiency are particularly susceptible to an infection. The virus happens everywhere in the world, increases, however, significantly on the insulas of the pacific ocean.


Only two to eight weeks up to six months papule can last for it after the infection, appear to the first ones on the skin. The small nodules can appear at the genitals and in the anus area, to the thigh and at the hypogastrium as well as to neck and face both with women and at men also. The nodules are one up to five millimeters greatly, pale red and resemble a pearl. The greater papule has a dent filled a mushy content in the middle. The verrucas can stand one by one or into groups. It can happen that the molluscum contagiosums are infected with bacteria. You are then reddened, in addition itch and cause pains.


As a rule, the molluscum contagiosums can be diagnosed by their typical phenotype. In the early stage, perhaps they can be mistaken for fig warts.


The molluscum contagiosums develop back in most cases within six to nine months. They also can remain rarer to three years on the skin. The untreated molluscum contagiosums are very infectious. The verrucas are removed under a local anesthesia with a sharp spoon in the medical treatment. As an alternative the Kryo therapy (freezing) can be chosen. To avoid a reciprocal new infection, the partners must be co-treated.


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