HIV infection (AIDS)

The disease AIDS

(Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndromes, mean approximately: purchased immunodeficiency syndrome), by the hi virus becomes (HIV = Human Immunodeficiency Virus, mean approximately: human immunodeficiency virus) triggered. The HI-virus attacks the human immune system, the system which has the function actually, to protect, the body in front of diseases. The HI virus can do the assignment about different body fluids like blood, spermiums and genital secretions are carried out. The virus is got also in other body fluids, like saliva, sweat, urine or tears though in such low concentration which doesn't suffice for an infection. The main transmission path of the disease is the unprotected sexual intercourse. The virus can presumably penetrate into the body by an injured genital mucosa. The needle exchange under each other practice, are very at risk addicted to drugs. In addition, an infection is also possible over blood product as well as during the pregnancy or the birth. One can most effectively protect himself from the infection by the use of condoms.

A till now unknown illness appeared under homosexual men in several North American cities at the beginning of the eighties. The disease showed different symptoms. The findings indicated a serious immunodeficiency. The fear of the HIV infection triggered at least a new consciousness in the western industrial nations opposite sexually transmissible diseases which led to a more natural use of condoms. The outbreak of the AIDS illness with the help of medicines around years delayed and the life expectancy can the HIV positives be increased meanwhile. In turn this led to a neglect of the protected sexual intercourse.

More than 40 million with HIV live infected people on the earth at the moment, almost five million is added every year. More than 70 million of the HIV are concerned since the outbreak and identification of the disease at the beginning of the eighties. About 44,000 are infected in Germany.


A HIV infection isn't AIDS at once. The disease goes in several stadia. AIDS is the end-stage of a HIV infection. The name AIDS summarizes many symptoms and courses to an illness image. The incubation period of the HIV infection is very different. Approximately one till it comes to an acute HIV illness six weeks after the infection. The symptoms are nonspecific, they most resemble, however, an influenza. The HIV infection often goes without symptoms. The illness comes after fading away a trouble free time. The outbreak of the disease can be carried out even several months after the infection or else follow only after a decade or longer. This depends on several factors like of lifestyle, accompanying illnesses or the functioning of the therapy. In the symptom free time the body of the hi virus is already attacked strongly, the disease spreads gradually. The lymph nodes swell up, it comes to a strong weight reduction, accompanied by the at night sweat, diarrhea and fever episodes. Bodies will more healthily heavy infection illnesses, these go harmlessly life-threateningly at one. Lung inflammation, tumors and diseases of the central nervous system appear in the advanced stage.


The causative agents can be proved only six to eight weeks after the infection with the help of a blood test.


Till now, AIDS isn't curable yet , the virus cannot completely be removed from the body. With gift of different medicines gets tempted to slow down or to prevent more largely the increase of the hi virus. These medicines have heavy side effects which considerably probably are even to the shortening of the lifetime though.

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