Lymphogranuloma inguinale

Lymphogranuloma inguinal or the venereal lymph node inflammation happens primarily on Africa, average and South America. It is rather rare in Europe. As a rule, it is brought by trip abroads. The disease is caused by the bacterium similar cell parasites chlamydia trachomatis. Chlamydias are very sensitive to cold and out drying and they can increase only within cells. Chlamydia have different sub-types which can trigger different diseases inguinal like the chlamydia infection or the lymphogranuloma. The different bacterium sub-types can affect the mucosas of the eye, the urinary tracts and the sexual organs. The bacteria affect only people. As a rule, the prolonged gestation is carried out via sexual intercourse. The disease can be prevented effectively with use of condoms.


Only one to two weeks after the infection make themselves to the first troubles noticeable. Small, unobtrusive vesicles which burst and heal spontaneously arise at the mucosas. Only after three to four weeks painful and nodular tumescences form in the strip at the genitals and possible at the intestine. You can go septic and set out for the outside purulently. The skin in addition is reddened. In addition, headaches, fever, chill or nausea can appear.


The pathogens can by a smear from the urethra or womb with the help the lay out a cell culture be proved.


The medical treatment is carried out with antibiotics. The prognosis is good at an early medical treatment. The partners must be treated jointly to avoid the reciprocal re-infections. After the medical treatment a control smear is necessary. If this one remains untreatedly chlamydia infection, the troubles abate. You, however, appear later again and again and can lead to the sterility.


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