Hepatitis (Jaundice)

Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. The illness most frequently of the different hepatitis viruses becomes hepatitis, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, causes. These are described in greater detail in the dictionary. However, bacteria or parasites as well as alcohol and medicines can cause the disease differently. The disease can go acutely or chronically. Hepatitis can lead to durable damages, if it isn't cured. The representation is restricted to the hepatitis illnesses in this place which are transferred by sexual contacts.

Hepatitis A virus is at this contaminated potable water or vegetables the main infection way with excrements. However, the virus can be transferred also over a sexual way, such as by an unprotected anal intercourse. The disease often goes without symptoms or as a rule heals completely and offers a lifelong immunization.

Hepatitis B can do the assignment over blood or other body fluids are carried out like by saliva, urine, vaginal secretion or seminal fluid, at this. The causative agents penetrate into the body by the micro injuries of the skin. The virus is much more infectious than the hi-virus. Endangered particularly there are persons of sex partner frequently changing who practice an unprotected sexual intercourse. Addicted to drugs, dialysis patients, medical staff as well belong to the risk group. In addition, one can catch it by tattooing or piercing if the needles weren't disinfected sufficiently. The infected virus carriers are already before outbreak of the disease most infectious. The disease can most effectively be prevented with condoms or a protective vaccination.

Hepatitis C isn't investigated sufficiently yet. The transmission of the causative agents is about blood products and possibly made by sexual contacts. It is very infectious.

The risk of a hepatitis B illness can most effectively be prevented with condoms. Against hepatitis A and B there are also active protective vaccinations. Against hepatitis C there isn't any vaccination yet.


As a rule, the disease starts with nonspecific general symptoms: Tiredness, Lack of appetite, Headaches, Weight loss, Vomiting, Diarrhea or fever. The liver enlarges, from what pains under this result for right costal arches. Then the urine changes color dark and the stool loses color. The skin and the eyes can accept a yellowish stain (because of which the disease also is called jaundice). The troubles are dependent on the respective virus type, the disease can go off also without symptoms. The illness changes into a chronic course at about 5 to 10% of the hepatitis B and at 40 to 70% of the hepatitis C. The disease gets approx. more than 70% chronic at a common hepatitis B and D infection.


The diagnosis is made with a blood test and by an ultrasound scan of the liver.


The symptoms are mainly treated at the acute illness: for this physical saving and the renunciation of alcohol are ordered. Being given therapy to hepatitis, B and C, with interferon as well as with virostatics in the chronic course. The earlier are begun with the medical treatment, the better the chances of recovery are.


These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of health-illness.com doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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