Donovanosis (Granuloma venereum or Granuloma inguinale)

Donovanosis, also granuloma venereum or granuloma is a sexually transmitted disease going chronically which isn't investigated definitely yet inguinal. The disease is caused by the Calymmatobacterium granulomatis. Granuloma venereum happens primarily in warm countries. Men fall ill with the disease much more frequently than women. The prolonged gestation is made by sexual intercourse. Is advisable to the prevention to use condoms. The disease remains untreated, the tissue is destroyed gradually and this even can lead to the death. Donovanosis is often misjudged. It can be mistaken for cancer in the advanced stage. In addition, the disease has to be delimited from the Lymphogranuloma venerum.


Weeks after the infection form small pale red itching nodules a couple of days till several in the infection place. With women the labia are concerned mostly, these swell up. The penis is affected at men. The symptoms happen rarer in the anus area. Sometimes it comes to the first infection in the mouth, at the neck or in the face. The pale red papule changes himself into meat colored ulcers soon. This further grows into the depth of the tissue, disturbed and an ulcer can lead to mutilations even. The causative agents can go into bones, joints and liver in the body over the bloodstream. In addition, the wounds can infect themselves also with other causative agents which lead to painful abscess formations.


The disease test is made by the microscopical detection with a smear from the wound.


The disease is treated with antibiotics. After the medical treatment subsequent examinations are necessary. The smaller skin disturbances heal completely after the medical treatment. Can leave scars and mutilations greater.


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