Amine colpitis

Colpitis (bacterial Vaginose or Gardnerella vaginalis) is the inflammation of the sheath (colpitis) amines. The illness is caused by the gardnerella and anaerobe bacteria and concerns approximately ten per cent of the sexually active women.

Lactic acid forming bacteria which protect the vagina from pathogenic bacteria and mushrooms live in the healthy sheath. A change of the sheath flora by different other bacteria can, however, cause an inflammation. An amine colpitis arises if the lactic acid bacteria of the garndnerella and anaerobes bacteria are replaced in the sheath. By the coincidence of these two bacteria amines which appeal the sheath skin and lead to a discharge increased and smelling unpleasant are produced. As a rule, the prolonged gestation is made by sexual intercourse. The causative agents frequently come from the intestine. An infection therefore can at the sexual intercourse with the use of condoms bent forward primarily if anal traffic is practiced in the climacteric with vaginal traffic. Antibiotic cures also can further etiologies be a tampon not removed about for some time for example or else. The infection can at pregnant women a premature delivery trigger, lead to infections after the birth or at operative operations.


A thin, sometimes lightly foamy discharge so characteristic for the amine colpitis notices with a strong, malodorous smell of fish at women first. As a rule, the fishy smell grows after the sexual intercourse. This nasty smell also disturbs the partner. By the whitishly gray discharge most women have an unpleasant wetness feeling. Pruritus, burning, pains as well as a red place on the sheath wall are rarer. The infection usually stays with men without symptoms.


Amine colpitis can be diagnosed with the typical nasty fish-like smell of the discharge and by a microscopical examination.


The disease is treated into tablets or into sheath suppositories with antibiotics which leave the lactic acid bacteria but kill the causative agents. Is advisable to treat the partner to avoid reciprocal new infections. The bacteria pause at men without troubles in the prostate or in the little seminal vesicles. This one remains untreatedly disease, the inflammation can spread with strong pains and it can come to an ulcer formation on the mucosa.

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