
Zinc is part of the group of the minerals. An essential trace element and with that the second most important element is in the human body. Since it cannot be stored in the organism, it must be supplied with the nutrition minimumly. The main suppliers of zinc are primarily animal foods like oysters, fish, dish animal, lamb and beef, innardses, eggs, cheeses, dairy products, rolled oats, wheat shoots, peas, rungs, green tea U are ..

Zinc fulfills innumerable functions in the body. It the synthesis is component in over 220 enzymes, plays an important role in the construction of the cells in the collagen metabolism for the growth at the insulin storage for of, and, ribonucleic acid protein supports and (looked, like, smell and) and the immune system the meaning functions hearing against cell DNA works ageing.

Zinc deficiency happens very frequent in Germany and can to alopecia, brittle nails, tiredness, appetite loss, infection vulnerability, delayed wound healing, disturbances of the fertility, skin illnesses and in the pregnancy to malformations, premature deliveries or disturbances of growth lead. Because of this pregnant women should diabetic heart and suffering from cancer and smoker U are, calming . . particularly on this eighth, sufficing to take zinc, alcoholic. But the symptoms can appear also more and more at a unilateral nutrition as in the case of vegetarian or "fast food eater".

Zinc an over-dosage effects has, can cause side effects like headaches or fever only rarely since healing numerous. The minimum need is between 12-15 mg.

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