Vitamin E

Vitamin E (tocopherol) is the fat soluble vitamins part of the group. Vitamin E as antioxidant (has the quality to oxidize lightly) protects the immune system from free radicals who are taken from the environment or formed by metabolism events. Vitamin E is vegetable purely, becomes synthesizable only into plants. One finds them rolled oats into vegetable oils, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, whole grain products, vegetables like beans, black salsifies, asparaguses, margarine, butter and eggs. Small quantity they reach the animal food chain into the animal organism and they therefore also is in animal foods like liver into available. Vitamin E plays an important role in fat and proteometabolism. Protect the cells and the immune system.

It is almost vitamin E to find food in everyone and body fat as a reserve can in this stored be. Deficiency symptoms like concentration and muscle weakness appear only after quite a long time. The immune system is weakened, it can come to different diseases like rheumatism, diabetes, cancer or strokes so.

Daily requirement is between 12-14 mg.

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