Vitamin D

Vitamin D (calciferol) is the fat soluble vitamins part of the group. It is formed mainly by the body (90%) from Cholesterol itself as soon as the sun radiation has an effect in the form of UV light into the skin. By nutrition very little vitamin D is taken at the most in the form of fish, cod liver oil, milk and yolk. It is very important for our bones and helps D3 (cholecalciferol) in the form of vitamin at the regulation of the calcium and phosphorus metabolism. One can influence the mineralization of the bones and prevent osteomalacia (rickets) by the one with children with vitamin D Provitamin D is either taken like by nutrition fats and gall acids or formed in the skin about an animal nutrition. You are then changed by ready hormones and enzymes into vitamin D3 in the liver and the kidneys.

Vitamin D mangle or over-dosage can cause physical damages. Vitamin D deficiency often happens with children and can cause rickets which can lead to the deformation of the bones. However, it can often lead also too bad tooth formation, weak musculature and special to osteomalacia and osteoporosis during the pregnancy or in the old age. At osteomalacia the bones are bent, at osteoporosis they break lightly and get porous.

However, an over-dosage, i.e. although hypervitaminosis of vitamin seems rare to D can lead to grave damages. The symptoms are muscle weakness, increased amount of urine, excessive urination, vomiting, nausea and thirst. It is advisable to take D for all age groups approx. 5 mg of vitamin as of the first year of life minimumly. This crowd should be doubled in front of this first and after this 65 year of life. Vegetarians should take special care to take D into vitamin being enough for the winter months, take them there considerably less than the "meat and fish eaters".

Provitamin D is either taken like by nutrition fats and gall acids or formed in the skin about an animal nutrition.

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