
Molybdenum is part of the group of the minerals. It is an essential trace element and an important antioxidant. However, finds molybdenum a versatile application also in the industry, it becomes for for an increase of the stability e.g. as an alloy element, uses heat and corrosion resistance. The main suppliers are spice plants like chives, parsley or dill, legumes, wheat shoots, eggs, innardses, grain shoots and potable water. Molybdenum happens in the human body in the skeleton mostly but also in the lung, skin and in the kidneys. It plays an important role Karies in the metabolism at the power generation and by storage of fluoride can possibly prevent, involved at the dissimilation of uric acid. Deficiency symptoms are hardly known, they happen, however, at some diseases like metabolic diseases and chronic enteritises. Typical symptoms are functional disorders in the brain and at the nerves, cardiac dysrhythmias, dyspnea, abdomen spasms, diarrheas, nausea, giddiness, pruritus and atmosphere fluctuations. Over-dosage increases the production of the uric acid and leads to gout similar symptoms.

The minimum need for molybdenum is age dependently on estimated between 50-100 mg.

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