
Manganese is part of the group of the minerals. It is an essential trace element. Manganese plays an important role in the human body, it is e.g. responsible for the function of different enzymes, involved in the construction of bone and cartilage tissue, contributes to the synthesis of fats and proteins and is needed for the insulin synthesis and urea formation.

Deficiency symptoms appear at the most in form of a hypercholesterolemia or disturbances of growth, osteoporosis and disturbances in the carbohydrate metabolism, rarely. Alcoholics should pay special attention to a manganese rich nutrition. An over-dosage can appear with mountain farmers in the industry processing manganese. An acute poisoning leads similar symptoms like muscle stiffness and loss of memory to lung inflammation, meningitis and sometimes to Parkinson.

The main suppliers of manganese are reis, grains, legumes, sheet vegetable like salad, spinach or leek.

The daily requirement is with adults between 3-4 mg with children 1-2 mg.

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