
Lithium heard to the group of the minerals and an important trace element. However, it is controversial, whether lithium is an essential or not essential trace element. Some essential functions in our body are fulfilled by lithium. This element was used for the treatment of psychic diseases as in the case of manic-depressive psychoses already in the antiquity. It has an effect on the central nervous system. It happens in the human body into the lymph node in the lung and liver in the brain and skeleton. Deficiency symptoms aren't cleared obviously, however, it has to be assumed that they can lead to psychic behavior changes like an aggressive behavior. An over-dosage is the case rarely, badges for this are apathy, visual defects, nausea, vomiting, kidney damage and spasms. Lithium elementarily doesn't happen on the earth, one finds it in the nutrition also only into traces. Main suppliers are vegetables and grains water drink and mineral, meat, fish, dairy products, eggs.

The daily requirement is between 3-10 mg. The need is higher fallen ill at alcoholics and psychic.

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