
Fluorine is part of the group of the minerals. It is an essential trace element and happens in the human body in the form of fluorides. It plays an important role decreases caries and hardens the enamel at the ossification at the growth. One finds fluorine the most into the teeth and bone but also in skin, hairs, the foot and fingernails. Fluorine deficiency can cause particularly with children and teenagers of Karie. Other symptoms are osteoporosis, arterial calcification and arteriosclerosis. An over-dosage leads to fluorosis and osteoporosis up to the acute poisoning. Symptoms for this are spasm conditions and vomiting.

The most important fluorine suppliers are potable waters, mineral water, certain black teas, salt-water fishes and whole grain products.

The daily requirement is age and depending on the sex between 0,25-4 mg.

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