
Copper is part of the group of the minerals. It is an essential trace element and filled numerous essential functions in the human body. It plays an important role for the formation of red blood corpuscles of connective tissue for the bone growth, at the pigment metabolism and for the function of the central nervous system.

It can lead the growth influencing and to an anemia (anemia), functional disorders of the immune and central nervous system, pigment disturbances. Although an over-dosage step, can lead to the poisoning, however, also rarely. Symptoms are diarrhea, strong vomiting and turquoise green chemical burns in the mucosa. The most important copper suppliers are fish (lobster, cancers) innardses like liver of veal, chocolate, cocoa, oysters, nuts, lenses, peas and sunflower seeds.

The minimum need is between 1-1,5 mg.

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