
Cobalt is part of the group of the minerals. It is an essential trace element and component the vitamin B12 it is therefore involved in all functions which are connected with this vitamin. One was cobalt as ore and, later than metal, already confessed in the antiquity but first in this 20th century discovered its meaning in the medicine. It is used for the radiotherapy. One finds cobalt in the human body in the liver, spleen, in the kidneys, in the pancreas and in the bone marrow. It an important role plays U are in the blood formation, oxygen supply and in the metabolism of iodine in the thyroid deficiency symptoms are unknown. An over-dosage can increase the iodine content of the thyroid and increase the hemoglobin formation. The most important cobalt suppliers are spinach, tomatoes, lenses, potatoes, salad and fish.

The daily requirement is with adults between 3-4 mg with children between 0,5-3 mg.

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