
Chromium is part of the group of the minerals. It is an essential trace element. Chromium cannot be only taken with the nutrition and potable water but also about the respiratory systems and skin contact. It plays an important role in the body in the carbohydrate and lipometabolism, the amino acid increases photo in the musculature, involves in the cell division and improves the complete cholesterol. A lack of chromium can diabetes mellituses (diabetes) cause arteriosclerosis and heart diseases. Symptoms are . depression, nervousness, irritability, pruritus, increased urination and muscle weakness U are. An over-dosage happens rare, 3-valency is an organic chromium harmlessly, 6-valency chromium can e.g. cause side effects like chromium asthma or chromium eczema at the production of high-grade steel or leather goods

The daily requirement is normally between 30-100 mg. Pregnant and older people have a greater need for chromium.

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