
Heard it is an essential trace element arsenic to the group of the minerals. One finds it in the environment everywhere, however, its tasks aren't cleared obviously yet. The arsenic oxygen connections like e.g. arsenic seem toxic as of 60 mg and are detachable well in alcohol. It was often used as a murder means in the ancient times. As a trace element it happens in all organs primarily in the thyroid. From arsenic antibiotics U became . . the first are develops against syphilis. It works on certain parasites as e.g. trypanosomen (sleep pathogen). Cardiac muscle and disturbances of growth can appear at arsenic deficiency. Over-dosage leads to the poisoning, symptoms for it are vomiting, nausea, strong diarrhea and renal failure. The electrolyte and water loss can trigger a shock condition and lead to the death with that. One finds arsenic into traces in all food and drinks. The daily requirement is 10 to 25 mg.

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