Adiposis (obesity)

Pathological nutrition habituations can lead to eating disorders. The number eating disorders increase, frequently aren't diagnosed as clinical pictures although under-the extreme or overweight people. One distinguishes between four clinical pictures: Adiposis is a very far common disease, only a third of the adults has a physically desirable body weight in the Federal Republic.

The conditions of life have changed completely, within the last decades one eats much with a high fat content, more stress moves considerably less and has. These aspects play U are . . an important role at the emergence of overweight. However, you also can be triggered by inheritance, eating habituations changed or by eating behavior disorders. If in the long run more calories are brought to the body as the energy consumption required, the body weight increases, a high number of fatty tissue is stored in the organism and adiposis arisesObesity causes grave health risks and increases the mortality risk. BMI what is overweight? Index read . with overweight anus 30 kg/m ² the symptoms and resultant damages don't have to be underestimated. The troubles can be caused physically or psychically.

Already according to the first symptoms their family doctor should be found. An addiction disease is adiposis, because of this the chances of recovery are impossible without a technical medical treatment mostly. Your family doctor can recommend you appropriate therapy possibilities or advice centers.

These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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