Risk factors

Overweight is a companion appearance of our time very often appearing and causes numerous illnesses. The conditions of life have changed completely, within the last decades one eats much with a high fat content, more stress moves considerably less and has. These aspects play an important role at the emergence of overweight. However, you can also by inheritance, changed eat habituations or by eat behavior disorders like anorexia, bulimia or latent adiposis are triggered.

The symptoms can be for a psychic or physical nature. Obesity is on a very high risk factor particularly for smokers, diabetic, or high blood pressure patients among others at risk factors which are happening most and recognized are myocardial infarction, stroke (often cerebral hemorrhage or cerebral infarction), high blood pressure or cholesterol values increased. The thus coherent troubles like dyspnea, circulation, knee, or hip troubles, sleeplessnesses, depressions or dizziness be often not seriousness taken.

The overweight ignore with pleasure such troubles and don't want to admit themselves, that the troubles with their weight problem are connected and grave physical damages can cause. Obesity is diagnosed rarely as overweight/adiposis but often as metabolic disturbances like diabetes mellitus or hypercholesterolemia.

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These informations may be considered a substitute for a piece of medical advice in no case. The content of health-illness.com doesn't can and may be put into any case to make diagnoses or carry out self medical treatment independently.

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