Operative therapy overweight

An operative therapy exclusively is, carried out only at patients these BMI via 35 have and all other therapy possibilities remained successless. There are four methods which can be used:
  • Stomach reduction (gastroplasty)
  • At times stomach reduction by stomach ligament
  • Small intestine reduction
  • Direct body fat reduction (e.g. fat suction)
After the stomach reduction the patients can take only small portions to foods since a part of the stomach is removed. By small intestine reduction one reaches the same result, parts of the small intestine are removed here to get a more rapid satiety feeling. These two methods lead to durable changes. The stomach reduction with an elastic elastic seems only temporary.

Fat suction is recommended mostly only when skin or joint troubles have already appeared. The above-mentioned methods should be used really only in well-founded cases. Children among 18 years may have an operation only into exceptional situations.

Besides the operation risk numerous side effects like galls and kidney stone, diarrhea, greasy stool, disturbances, exist at fat photos, fluid and electrolyte metabolism of the body.

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